Mushroom collecting is one of the most widespread activities in the world. People have been collecting and eating mushrooms since before the culinary arts began.
While those numbers put the odds of picking an edible rather than a
non-edible mushroom heavily in the favor of foragers, experienced
mushroom growers are quick to point out that foraging for mushrooms
should never be thought of as a game of chance. “Don’t guess,” advises
Tradd Cotter, who has been cultivating mushrooms for more than 20 years.
Morels are considered a gourmet’s delight and one of America’s most
popular and highly regarded mushrooms. They range in color from cream
to almost black, and their honeycomb pattern makes them easy to spot.
Where they grow: Morels grow in almost every state. Exceptions are Florida, which is too hot, and Arizona, which is too arid.
When to forage: Early spring before the trees leaf
out. That’s February on the Pacific coast, March to mid-April in the
South, and May in the Northeast. Peak season is April-May.
A tip from Cotter: Carry a cooking thermometer to
measure the ground temperature. Morels fruit only when the ground
temperature is 50 to 58 degrees.
Habitat: Morels associate with moist areas and
specific tree types: Ash, tulip, oak, hickory, sycamore, cottonwood,
maple, beech, conifers and apples. Cotter urges caution if foraging in
apple orchards, because morels are excellent at absorbing pesticide
residue, which can remain in the soil for long periods.

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